Thursday, April 21, 2011

Red Beans and Rice

Peanut Butter Muffins baked, apple pie in the oven, children quietly doing their schoolwork, cats settled down for their morning nap, laundry going, second cup of coffee...sounds very peaceful...organized....I would love for you to believe that this is the typical day in my life...but it is not. Sorry. We are having a good morning though. As for the peanut butter muffins, I guess it depends on your taste. The muffins baked perfectly. My daughter (LOVES peanut butter) said she could not taste enough peanut butter. My son inhaled them. To me they were okay...almost on the "too rich" side. They will definitely make you crave a glass of cold milk!

Today's recipe is a "going back to my roots" recipe. Originally I am from Louisiana. I married a guy from Michigan, and now we are back in his home state. Over the years of being married I have learned to cook his favorites, but have also encouraged the southern style of eating for my family. Think I have balanced it out pretty well.

Red Beans and Rice

4-5 cans red kidney beans

1 ham bone

1/2 pound ham, small chunks or shredded

2 medium onions, chopped

1/2 cup chopped bell pepper

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp. cumin

red pepper, to taste

dash of Tabasco sauce

salt, to taste

1 pound smoked sausage, sliced

Here is the easy part! Combine all ingredients and cook over a low heat for several hours. The beans will make a gravy-sometimes I will add a little water if it looks too thick. Serve it over a bed of rice. Cornbread or hot french bread is good with this.

See you tomorrow!

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