Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Egg Time!

The kids and I have dyed Easter eggs since...well, since before they could really do it...they "helped." They are now all in their teen years and still look forward to it. Well, my son has now decided he would rather eat them than decorate them. Tonight we are going to try to marbleize our eggs. You have probably have done this before...we have tried all kinds of things. My daughter likes stretching a rubber band around the egg in different angles, dyes the egg, then lets it dry....remove the rubber band and you get some pretty cool stripes. I guess what I hope to accomplish today is that I encourage you to spend some time with your children or grandchildren...or even dye some eggs for a gift for someone.

Marbleize Your Eggs!

Coat the egg with a base color and let dry. Mix canola or other light cooking oil into another color of dye (1 tsp. oil per cup of dye) and quickly dunk egg. The oil will repel the color in some place and will adhere in others creating the marble effect.

Enjoy your Easter weekend!

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