Saturday, July 14, 2012

He told her...


I think this story begins with how thankful I am for the relationship that my husband has with, seriously I  am thankful.  Respect for each other...and friendship.  Alot of common interests.....Eugene was here for a week and what a week we had!  We lost our water while he was here.  That was not convenient at all.  He didn't complain...he rolled up his sleeves and helped whenever he could...without being asked.  Between you and me, I think our Sara Rose picked a good one. Other than our water problem (yes, it lasted the entire week and yes, things are fine now) we had a very good week-enjoying time together.  Sara Rose planned the menu and activities.
Remember in the beginning I said "sometimes"?  My hubby and Eugene had a secret....yep, I was left out....
Sara Rose pulled out a quilt for a picnic for two. The food was just right...beautiful sunny day.  Oh, we must not forget the appearance of a water pump repairman....then it happened....He told her he loved her! That was the secret the two men had.  I will interrupt here.  This is what I love about Eugene.  He went to my husband to talk to him about it before he said anything to Sara Rose. Eugene is doing it God's way.  In case you are wondering...she said she loves him, too.  Sara Rose and I had been talking for a while about love and relationships. Love is definitely in the air...I am so thankful for young people who are wanting to do things God way!
I will is still "different" for me to walk through the room and hear,"I love you, too."

The Picnic Menu

Ham and Swiss Sliders
Tortellini Salad
Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade

Pretty sure the recipes for the sliders and salad are here on my site.

Thank you for reading today!

Here we go....As I sit here gazing out my window...I get a better view when I lean over to avoid the Burger King signs.  Passing cars, a trailer park, heat rising from the street....Thankful that Burger King is air conditioned!  When we moved closer to town, I was (well, still am) ecstatic that we were closer to everything, yet still lived in the country.  Seven acres... a yard full of a variety of trees, a stream that flows through the property (except now....too dry!), 
woods in the back with a path...secret treasure of morel mushrooms. Two outbuildings... Two of our cats are enjoying the outdoor life....Big Kitty enjoys chasing the wild turkey family.  He might regret that one day.  We even have a pool!  Ummmm, I will surprise you with that picture....Now that you get the picture of my home place Internet service (who will remain nameless) is a bloggers nightmare.  Even uploading pictures is not something possible. Moving closer meant a better Internet service....right? wrong. I need to get organized, load up my computer..  So, looks like I will be blogging with an order of onion rings and a diet coke! 
I have decided to use the crock pot this I have several new recipes to try!  We did a teriyaki chicken last Sunday....a definite 5-star, do again meal...and the smell was wonderful when we walked in the door after church!

Crockpot Teriyaki Chicken

One bag of baby carrots
One red onion, chopped in large chunks
Two large cans of pineapple, undrained
Garlic, to taste
4 chicken breasts
1 cup teriyaki sauce

Love this part...Just put it in the crock pot.  8 hours on low or 4 hours on high.

Thanks for dropping by today...Oh, our courting couple?  They are doing fine!  New news in that department....but they deserve their own story....I'll blog about that soon.

See you then!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm back....

It has been a long time.  My life became quite hectic.  Different things...The Lord has been teaching me things.   One of the biggest things I can encourage you with now is that when times are tough and you can't see through the fog....just remember that God does see through the fog and He sees the big picture.  I see the big picture now (I didn't when going through the trial)...believe me....God is so good!

My Sara Rose and Eugene are still courting.  It is fun to watch them find out more about each other.  The other day she told me that she and Eugene "broke up." I would have been concerned....but she was smiling.  She said she discovered that he hates banana popsicles....that is a big one!  Eugene is going to spending some time with us in June.  Looking forward to seeing him (I KNOW Sara Rose is).

This past month my family was busy looking for a new house so experimental time in the kitchen was, it was non-existent!  So, today I will write about two recipes I hope to make soon this summer.  The first is a cool summer salad involving tortellini.  Yum!

Tortellini Salad
4 16 oz bags of cheese tortellini
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 block of mozzarella cheese, cubed
1 large green pepper, chopped
1 large red pepper (not hot), chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
16 oz.Italian dressing

Boil the tortellini al dente'.  Rinse with cold water and let cool.  In a large bowl mix all ingredients.  Refrigerate 1 hour or more.  Enjoy!

Homestyle Cheesy Veggies
2 16 oz pkg frozen mixed veggies (I used broc/cauliflower)
1 can mushroom soup
8 oz Velveeta cheese
8 oz sliced water chestnuts, drained
salt and pepper to taste

Cook vegetables according to pkg directions; set aside.  Heat soup and cheese together until cheese melts.  Mix all ingredients together.  Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes.  Serves 10-12.

I am glad to be blogging again!
Thanks for stopping by....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunning snakes, chirping birds, flying squirrels...

Okay, maybe not flying squirrels, we do have a lot of them running and jumping from branch to branch.  Enough to drive my cats crazy...
The weather here has unusually warm (no complaints here).  We have been spring cleaning the yard!  Gutters cleared, lots of is always fun to see all the "green"  popping up everywhere.  So, outside we went again this morning...with a rake and camera.

Can you find the frog?

We enjoyed our morning time together.   Spring is my inspiration season.  I have started the "to do" list of things that need to get done inside and outside the house....and it is almost that time again...MENU TIME!  I need to get started on planning next month's menu.  I am excited about April.  We have Easter, Eugene is coming to spend a few days, and I think we should fire up the grill.  That means NEW RECIPES...It also means that the family will start putting in grill requests!  With being outside more I look for quick ideas...
On the menu..
(because I am craving it and it is a quick and cool meal)

Taco Salad
This is not your typical Italian Dressing Taco Salad....
1/2 pound ground beef
Brown and drain.
1/2 cup chopped onion
garlic seasoning
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. chili powder
Saute together.
In a double boiler:
Melt 8 oz. Velveeta cheese. Add one can Ro-tel tomatoes.

Cut up a head of lettuce and one large tomato in a large bowl. Add meat and mix lightly. Add crushed tortilla chips (one bag) and toss. Stir in hot cheese mixture. Serve immediately.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with us today...I hope you are enjoying some fresh air and sunshine!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

St. Patrick's Day is Almost Here!

Last Sunday we had our St. Patrick's Day dinner.  My Irish husband will be out of town on St. Patrick's Day this year so we celebrated early this year with a new Irish recipe.  It was delicious!  We will definitely do this again...

          1 (3 pound) corned beef brisket with spice packet
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon spicy brown mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 medium head cabbage, cored and sliced thin
  • spicy brown mustard
  • 12 slices sourdough bread, lightly toasted


  1. Place corned beef in large pot or Dutch oven and cover with water. Add the spice packet that came with the corned beef. Cover pot and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Simmer approximately 50 minutes per pound until tender. Remove meat and let rest 15 minutes. Slice meat across the grain.
  2. Whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, mustard, salt, and pepper in small bowl. Place the shredded cabbage in a large bowl and pour the dressing over it; toss to coat the cabbage with the dressing.
  3. Spread a layer of mustard on 6 slices of toasted bread. Place some shredded cabbage and corned beef on each slice and top with remaining slices of bread.       

I found this on .  This is one of my favorite websites! 

  My daughter and I did this one last night.  Pizza Bites! We ate them right out of the oven... served with a pizza sauce.  These will definitely be put on next month's menu.  Go on over to for her Pizza Bites recipe.  They were so easy to make...small piece of cheese and pepperoni wrapped in pizza dough...yum!  There are many good recipes on this site also.

Remember Dippin' Dots...."The Ice Cream of the Future"?  All you need is yogurt (1/2 cup will make a lot), spoon or small icing tip and bag.  Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper and drop the yogurt from a small spoon or the icing bag.  Put the dots in the freezer...When set....enjoy!  You will have to watch them, though.  They melt quickly!  I am not a big fan of yogurt, but I really enjoyed this home made treat.

         Why did I not think of this when my kids were younger??  The idea of catching a leprechaun is so much fun!  Family Fun has some cute ideas to celebrate the day with your children.  Build those memories and traditions!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me today.  The weather today is beautiful!  I think this calls for a cup of coffee and my swing on the front porch.  I'll take some time to start planning my flower beds.  Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Recipes, recipes, recipes....

The weekend was wonderful!  Our couple got to spend a lot of time together.  The banquet was absolutely incredible..well, that's what I heard as we whispered about it after the lights were turned off.  I am so thankful for the time spent with Eugene.
So the courtship continues....

On a side note.  Awhile back I took a look at Pinterest....funny, but I seemed to find so many excuses to get on the computer and "happened" to check out Pinterest...again and again.  I quickly filled my house with more ideas than is humanly possible...and more recipes than I could imagine.  I am relieved to report that I am actually trying the recipes!  I thought I would share a few of them with you...

coca cola cake
home made crunchwrap supreme

crab rangoon dip

lasagna soup

mini snickers caramel cheesecakes

It really has been fun trying these recipes (all have been hits with the family).  Several more new recipes have found their way to next month's menu.  Speaking of next month's menu...the menu is only half way done and I don't have much time before shopping for the whole month is not always easy, but it works for us.  Guess that means I need to get busy!

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit.  I hope you have a great week.
Don't forget to give your family a hug!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Balance of Logic and Romance

I was recently asked why our family would take the romance out of a courtship.  Just logic and reasoning...?  By no means do we ignore the area of romance.  We believe in a BALANCE of romance and logic.  To not have the proper balance could lead to trouble in the relationship.  That is why it is good to have parents and pastors involved in the courtship.  Godly guidance is a very good thing! 
Ask each other questions.  Watch carefully how the other reacts to other people and situations.  Keep your eyes open.  Be honest with each other.
Never commit to more than you are ready.  The romance side can often make the relationship go too quickly.  Hmmm...some chocolate...a called pretty (or handsome)...baking something special...
How do you react to flowers, notes, etc.? Is it enjoyable?  Hopefully it is not, "EWWW!"   Now do not get me wrong.  Not all girls enjoy  flowers and chocolate...Part of the fun is finding out individual preferences... 
Now our princess, Sara Rose, is making preparations for her ball.  Well, maybe not a ball, but a banquet.  We are taking a weekend trip...hmmm.  A balanced trip.  Spending more time getting to know Eugene.  The college he attends is having a formal Valentine's Banquet.  Yes, Sara Rose has a beautiful will have to wait.  She wants to surprise her date.  Jewelry, shoes, clutch....It has been so much fun getting everything together!  They also are planning on exchanging gifts....
I am looking forward to our trip.
 Getting to know Eugene more, watching our young couple interact, seeing our beautiful daughter all dressed up (Well, dad cries...). 
Too much parental involvement?
 I think not.  One of the biggest mistakes parents make is when the children turn 18, then say, "Have a nice life.  You are an adult now.."
 Our "children" make some of the most important decisions of their lives at this stage.
 Love them, support them, pray for them.

Thanks for stopping in today.  On your next visit I will let you know more about our trip...maybe even have some pictures!
Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

While in the Castle

See the tall towers of the castle?  That is where my husband has put our daughters...far away from the chance of any knight in shining armor finding them.  Just kidding.  They are in the castle, though, preparing for that day when they will join their knights.  Jerry Ross has an excellent book called Stay in the Castle  ( Highly suggested... My husband and I were talking about what to do while staying in the castle. daughter is writing again (yay).  I am really looking forward to reading what she has to say about keeping busy while in the castle.

So, whether you are courting or not you can be preparing for your future.  Cooking, cleaning, sewing, and organization are very important things to know.  If you already can do all of that...wonderful!  Preparations go deeper than that. 
In my reading I have found that one of the dangers in a relationship is that danger of..."It's in the bag...I am in a more more worries..."
WRONG!  It is time to work even harder!
Are you walking with Christ?
Are you a blessing? 
Are you the kind of helpmeet your knight needs?
Are you a better person because of your knight?
Are you actively working on improving yourself?
Are you working on your relationships with your family?

Eric and Leslie Ludy, When God Writes Your Love Story, says this about family..."If you discard those oddballs in your life called family, you will have thrown away your own private training ground for a divine romance.  If you don't learn now to be like Christ in the way you treat "them" in your life, it will be that much more difficult to treat your "them of the future" with the dignity and love they desperately need."

Challenge for today...take those preparations to a higher level.  Maybe do a word study in the Bible....See what God says about being faithful, trustworthy... the list goes on!

I know....I shifted gears on you....welcome to my husband's world.  I am ALWAYS doing this to him.  In less than two weeks we are taking Sara Rose to see Eugene.  They will be going to the college's Valentine Banquet and we will be able to spend some time with him.  Very exciting days around here!  My menu is planned...We try to save money by making some of our own food while on trips. 
I found this recipe on Pinterest ( I think we will give it a try!

Cafe Rio Chicken

2 lbs. chicken
1/2 bottle zesty Italian chicken
1/2 tbl garlic
1 pkg dry ranch seasoning mixed with 1/2 c water
1/2 tbl chili powder
1/2 tbl.cumin

Put in crock pot for 5-6 hours (high) or about 8 (low).  When done shred chicken...put on tortilla shells...I will probably add some taco toppings!

My next post I will have a little bit more about the trip, the food...and of course, the big event!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Just keep talking, just keep talking..." (Add music notes)

"Why courtship?"
I have been asked that a good bit lately.  When I was growing up, I do not remember hearing about courtship.  I grew up in a very conservative Christian home.  Dating and boys were not really "encouraged" until I discovered dating in college.  Multiple boyfriends, the term "going steady", break-ups....some would say that it is part of growing is just part of life. 
Now, as my husband and I have prayed and followed God's leading as far as raising our children, we are doing what we know is right for our family.  You might not feel the same way for your family, and that's fine.  I don't think there is a formula that gives us the perfect solution to courtship.  I have done a lot of questioning and researching only to discover one thing....there are Bible principles that we can follow.
God continues to fine tune our beliefs as far as raising our children.  Definitions of terms (courtship, engagement),and opinions on how things should be handled will vary.  I know that each of my children are so wonderfully different that even courtship will vary as each gets to experience this.
In our home courtship is a period of time where the young woman and young man get to know each other better under the guidance of their families. Courtship is not a promise of marriage.  It is a wisdom-guided relationship that could possibly lead to marriage.  Our young man has asked us several times if there is anything that he needs to work on.  Why?  He desires to make sure things are done decently and in order...and he cares for our daughter.  Our daughter shares what is going on in her thinking and her heart with me...(several late nights sharing... treasured  times!)
In an article written by Joe Lechner, he presents some thoughts to consider for the courting couple.
 ~ Does your relationship reflect joyful obedience to God’s Word – even in the details?
~ When our relationships are characterized by obedience to God’s Word, we are saying that God’s commands are good and that he deserves to be obeyed – and thus God is glorified.
The selfless desire to do what’s best for the other person –
~ In this relationship, am I fully committed to sincerely serving the other person and not my own selfish or emotional desires?
~ Am I fully committed to trusting God and allowing him to draw us together, if it be his will, rather than trying to manipulate the emotions and desires of the other person by excessively flirting or saying and promising more than I am ready to commit to?
 A selfless desire to do what’s best for the other person is the natural overflow of a genuine love for God. To love God means you’ll love others, and you can’t truly love others unless you genuinely love God. This is why understanding the goal of courtship and what makes a courtship “successful” is so important.
How true this is!
Remember the part in the movie Nemo,  "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."?  I thought of this because our courting couple is encouraged to keep talking...keep talking...keep talking.  Question each other, share with each other, and be honest with each other. 
Examine yourself with the above questions.  Keep the finding out things about each other.  Ask the Lord  to help you keep your focus.

Monday, January 23, 2012


What a good family time we had this past Saturday!  I love movies, but I especially love movies that encourage us to do encourage us to strive to do better when it comes to our families.  I am trying to not give anything case you have not seen the movie Courageous.  If you have seen it...well, you know what I am saying.  So, grab your family, a munchie, and probably a box or two of tissues...let the Lord use this movie in your life. 

We tried a new dip while watching Courageous. 
Crab Rangoon Dip!  5-star rating for this one. 
 I found this recipe on  while searching Pinterest.  Very good dip and it is easy to put together....and it also helps that I love crab rangoon!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mom's Retreat Breakfast Casserole

I was recently at a Mom's Retreat for home school moms.  On Saturday morning there was a wonderful brunch!  So much delicious food...there was a breakfast casserole there that I knew I needed the recipe...soon!  I have the recipe...but have renamed family does that to help us remember certain recipes....

Mom's Retreat Breakfast Casserole
24oz frozen shredded potatoes
2 c shredded cheese
2c cooked ham
salt and pepper
1 can cheddar cheese soup (or cream of chicken works too)
milk (2 soup cans full)
10 eggs
optional (half cup each)
chopped onion, green pepper, sliced mushrooms

Combine all except cheese. Mix/beat very well. Put into 3 quart casserole and top with cheese. Bake 350F for 45-55 min or until knife in center comes out clean.

Thank you, Jill!
There was another brunch type recipe with spinach....still trying to track that one down!

The retreat was a great time to relax and laugh with other women who have similar experiences...a time of song with the snow falling outside...the Word of God challenging us to step it up a notch with our cherish the time we have with them and to raise them in a God-honoring home. 
Take time, Mom, to give your family some time today!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Seeking God's Glory...

" The goal of any relationship and what determines whether or not any relationship is successful is whether or not God is glorified in the relationship. God’s glory is the greatest goal in every arena of life and this must be the highest priority and starting place as two people pursue courtship. The couple involved in a courtship is seeking to glorify God inwardly through their motives, thoughts, and intentions; and glorify God outwardly through their obedience to God in the way they relate to each other."  (Joe Lechner)
I thank the Lord for two young people who desire to glorify God in their relationship. 
 Sara Rose has returned from her visit with Eugene and his family.  Everything went well...Eugene made the week a very special one.  A candle lit Taco Bell dinner to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town...taking fun pictures together, much needed conversations....and daily devotions together.  Watching each other's reactions when things like work and school change plans...being able to be flexible....All is so important!
Next big event on the calendar?  A Valentine Banquet...that has already created quite a stir around here!  A dress has been bought for the girl will be beautiful-inside and out.  No dress details are to be must be kept a total surprise. 

"Moving beyond motive and intentions, it’s important to ask yourself questions concerning character: In the ways that I relate to this person now (in word and action), am I guarding this person’s heart or am I selfishly and prematurely seeking to draw their affections to myself? Are the choices and decisions I make in this relationship genuinely serving the other person or serving my own desires and wants? A relationship where two people are committed to God’s glory is a relationship where two people are fully committed to biblically serve one another above themselves. " (Joe Lechner)

And the story continues....

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Courtin' We Will Go...

"Courtship is a season for two people to grow in friendship, to get to know each other's character, and to see how they interact as a couple."  Joshua Harris

On the night Eugene asked Sara Rose if he could court her...and she accepted;  her Dad gathered the family to pray with them.  Two people with the love, support, prayers of two families. 

Is this a pre-engagement? No.  No big announcement....although word is spreading!  We want people to know so they can  pray for this couple who are both seeking God's will.

Is it a pre-arranged situation? 
 Two sets of parents picking and deciding God's will?  I mean, "courtship" sounds so old-fashioned....No.  Although we do like Eugene a lot.....we did not do a search....

These two young people have decided to build on a friendship.  Two young people wanting to see if they will be able to benefit the other, not building a relationship on selfish needs and desires.

This week our Sara Rose gets to spend about a week with Eugene and his family before his next semester of college begins.  They are so excited!  I am really looking forward to hearing all about the trip! it comes...a RECIPE!  One of Eugene's favorite snacks....

Puppy Chow

  • 9 cups crispy rice cereal squares
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar

  • Directions

    1. In a saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate; add peanut butter and mix until smooth.
    2. Remove from heat, add cereal and stir until coated.
    3. Pour powdered sugar into large plastic bag, add coated cereal and shake until well coated. Store in airtight container.

    Eugene and Sara Rose, we are excited about this opportunity for you to spend this time together.
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