Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Seeking God's Glory...

" The goal of any relationship and what determines whether or not any relationship is successful is whether or not God is glorified in the relationship. God’s glory is the greatest goal in every arena of life and this must be the highest priority and starting place as two people pursue courtship. The couple involved in a courtship is seeking to glorify God inwardly through their motives, thoughts, and intentions; and glorify God outwardly through their obedience to God in the way they relate to each other."  (Joe Lechner)
I thank the Lord for two young people who desire to glorify God in their relationship. 
 Sara Rose has returned from her visit with Eugene and his family.  Everything went well...Eugene made the week a very special one.  A candle lit Taco Bell dinner to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town...taking fun pictures together, much needed conversations....and daily devotions together.  Watching each other's reactions when things like work and school change plans...being able to be flexible....All is so important!
Next big event on the calendar?  A Valentine Banquet...that has already created quite a stir around here!  A dress has been bought for the girl will be beautiful-inside and out.  No dress details are to be must be kept a total surprise. 

"Moving beyond motive and intentions, it’s important to ask yourself questions concerning character: In the ways that I relate to this person now (in word and action), am I guarding this person’s heart or am I selfishly and prematurely seeking to draw their affections to myself? Are the choices and decisions I make in this relationship genuinely serving the other person or serving my own desires and wants? A relationship where two people are committed to God’s glory is a relationship where two people are fully committed to biblically serve one another above themselves. " (Joe Lechner)

And the story continues....

Thanks for stopping by!

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