Monday, August 15, 2011

Heritage Days

 Heritage Days began with a parade...The girls and I went to catch the beginning of this big day for our small town.  We also went to take a look at the car show, library book sale....Brunch preparations began after that because company was coming!  Love being in the kitchen with my girls.  The Mandarin Orange Salad that I wrote of earlier was a hit.  If you enjoy orange creamsicles you will love this salad.  We had biscuits and gravy, a sausage and egg casserole, scrambled eggs, cheesy hashbrowns, and the orange salad.  My friend brought over some delicious home made cinnamon rolls. 
 After some "food and fellowship" we were off to the Outhouse Race...yep, you heard it right!  Oh, and I can't leave out a highlight of the day for my daughter...the jewelry booth!  The day was complete when she walked away with her jewelry bargains!  She was also pleased about all the pictures she was able to take.  You can visit her Facebook page (Sara Rose Photography) or her website(listed on my side bar) to see more of her pictures.

Thank you for visiting..and have a great week!

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
 the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

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