I love to do word studies in the Bible. I pick a word...compassion, wisdom...then write down the verses mentioning the topic I am studying. For the past several months I have been studying the word wisdom. Solomon first came to my mind. He did not ask for successful finances, obedient children...he asked for wisdom. Here is the amazing part. Our Sunday school class has been studying Abigail. Abigail? She is not mentioned a lot in the Bible, nor is she the topic of a lot of sermons. The more I dig deep into her story...what a woman of wisdom! I mean, she was able to stop a war between her foolish husband and the warrior David. Abigail knew the "how, what, when, and wheres" about how to handle her situations. You can read about her in 1 Samuel. My hero Abigail reminds me that I need His wisdom in rising to meet my situations and responsibilities. This has really been an encouragement (and challenge) to me.
So, it is hot is hot outside (at least it is here)....next time you sit down to cool off....take some time to read about her. She was truly a woman of wisdom!
One of our preachers taught on this very story at kid's camp last week. How wonderful our God is to give us these examples of strength, wisdom, and character in His Word!