Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Battle of the Front Porch...continued....

I CAUGHT HIM....Well, I caught him on the camera...

now to figure out what to do about him. I caught him sniffing the herbs and saw that he had dug up one of Victoria's newly planted flowers. Obviously, he did not like the taste...he just pulled it up and put it aside. I replanted it....two hours later she walked in the door...VERY UPSET! "Something has pulled up my flowers!" So- Mr. Coon struck twice in one night. The battle continues....Victoria keeps shining a flashlight out the front door...not sure how long she plans on staying up guarding her flowers. The next phase of the battle? I'm not sure, so suggestions are welcome!

Okay, my next blog will be more meaningful...I did try to come up with an application for this event in my life....maybe it is just to make you smile. I hope it does!

By the way, as I am finishing this Mr. Coon is back. My daughter is now banging on the door and shining a flashlight at him. Um...not sure that is a really scary tactic.

Have a wonderful night!

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