Friday, June 10, 2011

Battle of the Front Porch

Sorry, folks, no recipe this time. Unless, of course, it would be opossum stew or coon steaks...I am determined to win this one. Something is intentionally out to get me. It all started the morning after Victoria planted a cute little mini rose bush in my flower bed. Yes, it was a thoughtful gift from my husband that I now will have to explain its disappearance. Something dug it up and carried it left no remains. I also noticed it dug up some plants in a flower pot. It must not have liked the taste because the plants are all over the porch. I am thankful that the herbs we are planting (which are in their little pots by the front door) were left untouched. My two hummingbird feeders were also attacked and tossed to the ground. It is CRAZY! My son told me that there was something clawing at my front door about midnight....sounds like war to me. Any advice? A dog has been kids would like that. Well, I am off to form my battle plan. Not just for the porch, but for the next couple of weeks...busy days! The Lord is good! I will check in with you in a couple of days with a new recipe or two. Have a great day.

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