Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Recipes, recipes, recipes....

The weekend was wonderful!  Our couple got to spend a lot of time together.  The banquet was absolutely incredible..well, that's what I heard as we whispered about it after the lights were turned off.  I am so thankful for the time spent with Eugene.
So the courtship continues....

On a side note.  Awhile back I took a look at Pinterest....funny, but I seemed to find so many excuses to get on the computer and "happened" to check out Pinterest...again and again.  I quickly filled my house with more ideas than is humanly possible...and more recipes than I could imagine.  I am relieved to report that I am actually trying the recipes!  I thought I would share a few of them with you...

coca cola cake
home made crunchwrap supreme

crab rangoon dip

lasagna soup

mini snickers caramel cheesecakes

It really has been fun trying these recipes (all have been hits with the family).  Several more new recipes have found their way to next month's menu.  Speaking of next month's menu...the menu is only half way done and I don't have much time before shopping day....shopping for the whole month is not always easy, but it works for us.  Guess that means I need to get busy!

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit.  I hope you have a great week.
Don't forget to give your family a hug!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Balance of Logic and Romance

I was recently asked why our family would take the romance out of a courtship.  Just logic and reasoning...?  By no means do we ignore the area of romance.  We believe in a BALANCE of romance and logic.  To not have the proper balance could lead to trouble in the relationship.  That is why it is good to have parents and pastors involved in the courtship.  Godly guidance is a very good thing! 
Ask each other questions.  Watch carefully how the other reacts to other people and situations.  Keep your eyes open.  Be honest with each other.
Never commit to more than you are ready.  The romance side can often make the relationship go too quickly.  Hmmm...some chocolate...a note...flowers...being called pretty (or handsome)...baking something special...
How do you react to flowers, notes, etc.? Is it enjoyable?  Hopefully it is not, "EWWW!"   Now do not get me wrong.  Not all girls enjoy  flowers and chocolate...Part of the fun is finding out individual preferences... 
Now our princess, Sara Rose, is making preparations for her ball.  Well, maybe not a ball, but a banquet.  We are taking a weekend trip...hmmm.  A balanced trip.  Spending more time getting to know Eugene.  The college he attends is having a formal Valentine's Banquet.  Yes, Sara Rose has a beautiful dress...pictures will have to wait.  She wants to surprise her date.  Jewelry, shoes, clutch....It has been so much fun getting everything together!  They also are planning on exchanging gifts....
I am looking forward to our trip.
 Getting to know Eugene more, watching our young couple interact, seeing our beautiful daughter all dressed up (Well, dad cries...). 
Too much parental involvement?
 I think not.  One of the biggest mistakes parents make is when the children turn 18, then say, "Have a nice life.  You are an adult now.."
 Our "children" make some of the most important decisions of their lives at this stage.
 Love them, support them, pray for them.

Thanks for stopping in today.  On your next visit I will let you know more about our trip...maybe even have some pictures!
Have a wonderful day!

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