Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fifty-Nifty Recipes...Ohio?

 The reason for the question mark in the title?  I am no longer going in order for our state least for now...We are skipping on over to OHIO!  Last year my husband surprised me with a trip to this Bed and Breakfast in West Salem, Ohio.  I was feeling a little down having just dropped my oldest daughter off at college....a get away was a good idea!
 We had this whole house to this quiet little internet, no cable....

 The house was huge!  We got the key...and we were on our own...  It was truly a relaxing time.
The trip had to include dinner at Mrs. Yoder's Kitchen (
Such wonderful home-cooked food!
A recipe that I am including in this post is Amish Wedding Cake.  My husband enjoys this at the restaurant.  It is time plan ahead!

Amish Wedding Steak

2 lbs. ground beef
2 c. soda cracker crumbs
2 c. milk
1 sm. onion, chopped
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 soup can of water
1 can mushrooms (may also use fresh)

Mix meat, crumbs, ,milk, onion and spices together. Pat down firmly in cake pan in square cake pan let set overnight. Cut into serving size squares, roll in flour, and brown on both sides (in margarine or butter) Set in baking dish and cover with mixture of soup, water and mushrooms. Bake at 350 for 90 minutes.

I found this recipe...does not look difficult or expensive, but you will need to plan ahead.
I love visiting this area of Ohio.  It has always been so peaceful, and the Amish people are so friendly.
Thanks for visiting Ohio with us!

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