Saturday, July 14, 2012

He told her...


I think this story begins with how thankful I am for the relationship that my husband has with, seriously I  am thankful.  Respect for each other...and friendship.  Alot of common interests.....Eugene was here for a week and what a week we had!  We lost our water while he was here.  That was not convenient at all.  He didn't complain...he rolled up his sleeves and helped whenever he could...without being asked.  Between you and me, I think our Sara Rose picked a good one. Other than our water problem (yes, it lasted the entire week and yes, things are fine now) we had a very good week-enjoying time together.  Sara Rose planned the menu and activities.
Remember in the beginning I said "sometimes"?  My hubby and Eugene had a secret....yep, I was left out....
Sara Rose pulled out a quilt for a picnic for two. The food was just right...beautiful sunny day.  Oh, we must not forget the appearance of a water pump repairman....then it happened....He told her he loved her! That was the secret the two men had.  I will interrupt here.  This is what I love about Eugene.  He went to my husband to talk to him about it before he said anything to Sara Rose. Eugene is doing it God's way.  In case you are wondering...she said she loves him, too.  Sara Rose and I had been talking for a while about love and relationships. Love is definitely in the air...I am so thankful for young people who are wanting to do things God way!
I will is still "different" for me to walk through the room and hear,"I love you, too."

The Picnic Menu

Ham and Swiss Sliders
Tortellini Salad
Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade

Pretty sure the recipes for the sliders and salad are here on my site.

Thank you for reading today!

Here we go....As I sit here gazing out my window...I get a better view when I lean over to avoid the Burger King signs.  Passing cars, a trailer park, heat rising from the street....Thankful that Burger King is air conditioned!  When we moved closer to town, I was (well, still am) ecstatic that we were closer to everything, yet still lived in the country.  Seven acres... a yard full of a variety of trees, a stream that flows through the property (except now....too dry!), 
woods in the back with a path...secret treasure of morel mushrooms. Two outbuildings... Two of our cats are enjoying the outdoor life....Big Kitty enjoys chasing the wild turkey family.  He might regret that one day.  We even have a pool!  Ummmm, I will surprise you with that picture....Now that you get the picture of my home place Internet service (who will remain nameless) is a bloggers nightmare.  Even uploading pictures is not something possible. Moving closer meant a better Internet service....right? wrong. I need to get organized, load up my computer..  So, looks like I will be blogging with an order of onion rings and a diet coke! 
I have decided to use the crock pot this I have several new recipes to try!  We did a teriyaki chicken last Sunday....a definite 5-star, do again meal...and the smell was wonderful when we walked in the door after church!

Crockpot Teriyaki Chicken

One bag of baby carrots
One red onion, chopped in large chunks
Two large cans of pineapple, undrained
Garlic, to taste
4 chicken breasts
1 cup teriyaki sauce

Love this part...Just put it in the crock pot.  8 hours on low or 4 hours on high.

Thanks for dropping by today...Oh, our courting couple?  They are doing fine!  New news in that department....but they deserve their own story....I'll blog about that soon.

See you then!

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