Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas craft...Dangling Dazzlers

Hope you are enjoying your Christmas decorating. We have our three large trees up. I do have the reputation of moving around the ornaments on the tree until??? Don't know why I do that. My daughter "followed" the travels of one ornament today...she said it had been in three different locations. My husband put up the outside lights....just a few more things I need to do. Here is the first of the Christmas craft ideas. I have not done this one yet ...going shopping tomorrow! The directions read:
Adorn glass prisms (I might look in the Christmas ornament section for something similar.) with paint pens in Christmas colors. They will sprinkle holiday cheer
around the room when the light shines through them.
This idea was found in an old Woman's World magazine that I got from our local library. So many good ideas!
Thanks for visiting with us...

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's that time of year...

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends at Thanksgiving. I know that we enjoyed a quiet time with family. Our daughter from college was able to be here. It is so rewarding to see her maturing into adulthood...following God's plan for her life. I really didn't know if I was ready for this time in her life....Are we ever really ready? We enjoyed a quiet time at home...visiting, decorating, and lots of cooking!

Today I sit here watching the sunrise on this chilly morning. Yes, with my coffee (Caribbean vanilla creamer)...Yum! I am reminded that this tends to be a busy time of year...Christmas is special to me. I don't want to lose the focus on what is important....the birth of Christ, family, helping others who could use the encouragement. So, after another cup of coffee, think I will sit down and schedule out the next few weeks...so that I will not overload!

Stay tuned for some cute Christmas ideas. Our local library had to "clean out" the magazine racks....I was able to get some good decorating tips from some of them. Tomorrow I will probably start that series.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Turkey Cookies

My daughter and I made these yummy Thanksgiving treats to take to a church function last week. So much fun.
1/4 cup butter
4 cups miniature marshmallows
6 cups rice cereal
28 chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies
chocolate frosting
1 pkg. candy corn
Make the rise krispie treats. let cool 10 minutes, then form into balls.
Twist apart sandwich cookies, spread frosting on the insides of the cookies. Place 28 cookie halves under the balls to form the base of the turkeys. Place three pieces of candy corn in a fan pattern on the remaining halves; press halves onto a cereal ball to form the tail. Attach remaining candy corn with frosting to form the turkey's head.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Special Day Fruit Salad

My mom's fruit salad is another family favorite. We usually have this every Thanksgiving and/ or Christmas. It is very easy to put together and can be done the day before serving.Quick Fruit Salad
1 large can peach pie filling
1 can mandarin oranges, drained
1 large can chunk pineapple, drained
1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen strawberries
3 or 4 bananas, sliced
1 cup, pecans (optional)
Combine all ingredients in bowl, except bananas. Chill overnight.
Add bananas before serving.
Very easy!

II Samuel 22:4a
"I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised:"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Don't forget Thanksgiving!

If you go any store right now you will probably notice Halloween is on clearance, Thanksgiving items have been pushed to the end of the aisle, and Christmas has taken over! Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Christmas...I guess we live in such a fast paced world, that a lot of people rush these special days. We are quick to make sure that our children know what Christmas means, but do they know how important Thanksgiving is? There are all kinds of activities you can find on the Internet for your children to do. Visit your local library. You can find books and movies about the first Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is an important family time for us, also. Spending time with each other has created some wonderful memories. The girls and I enjoy cooking, there are always football games, parades. My husband stuffs the turkey! I am thankful for a family that enjoys being together!
This year let's slow down and be thankful!
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